ValvTect Diesel Guard Supreme Plus High Performance Diesel Additive - DFMS32
ValvTect Diesel Guard Supreme Plus High Performance Diesel Additive - DFMS32 Item # 886759
- ValvTect Diesel Guard™ Supreme Plus High Performance Diesel Additive is specially formulated for heavy duty marine diesel engines
- It was developed to prevent and solve diesel fuel related problems including those caused from the use of ultra-low sulfur and biodiesel
- Diesel Guard Supreme Plus High Performance Diesel Additive exceeds DW-10 & XUD-9 performance specifications for cleanup & prevention of injector deposits
- Unique & advanced detergent chemistry cleans up & prevents all types of fuel system deposits
- Cleans internal diesel injector deposits (IDID's) missed by traditional detergents
- Prevents injector sticking & fouling
- Improves power & performance
- Stabilizes diesel fuel for long term storage and extends shelf life up to 2+ years
- Prevents formation of sludge that plugs filters
- Greatly extends fuel filter life
- Disperses moisture and prevents corrosion
- Corrosion Guard prevents rust and Corrosion
- Cleans, lubricates and extends life of injectors & pumps
- Prevents premature wear caused by ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD)
- Raises cetane up to 3 numbers
- Reduces diesel smoke, odor and transom soot
- Reduces fuel consumption by up to 7.3% or more
- Contains no alcohol & meets ULSD requirements
- Formulated for use in all diesel engines
- Treatment: 32 ounce bottle treats 250 gallons