Pettit Dolfinite Bedding Compound Item # 877266
Dolfinite Bedding Compound a one part bedding compound recommended for bedding mechanically joined parts like keels, transoms, and deck hardware. Not designed as an adhesive, but provides a waterproof seal.
- Never hardens and permits easy removal of hardware and fittings
- Heavy-bodied compound for bedding in keels, transoms, molding and deck hardware
- Doesn't harden, soften, or ooze
- Provides waterproof seal for joints and fittings
- May be used on wood, fiberglass, and metal surfaces
- May be painted after the compound has firmly skinned over
- Container size: Quart
Part Numbers for Pettit Dolfinite Bedding Compound
Do I need to wait for product to skim over before full tightening screws for deck fittings?
This is great stuff. I tape around where the fitting is going. I tighten all the fastenings. This makes the compound squeeze out around the fitting but the tape keeps it from sticking to the deck. I wait a few days for the compound to harded then cut the squeezed out compound around the edge of the fitting with a knife and pull up the tape. This makes for a nice neat job.
Date published: 2024-03-13