Lewmar Stainless Steel DTX Cantilever Bow Roller - 66840085

Lewmar Stainless Steel DTX Cantilever Bow Roller - 66840085 Item # 873228

The Lewmar stainless steel DTX Cantilever Bow Roller pivots to create a friction-free surface to make dropping and weighing anchor easier This also makes storing the anchor very convenient.
- Friction-free surface makes dropping and weighing anchor easier
- Won't damage the deck or topsides
- Allows you to safely stow anchor while cruising and deploy at short notice
- Constructed of 304 stainless steel
- Length: 22.7" (577 mm)
- Channel Width: 3.03" (77 mm)
Part Numbers for Lewmar Stainless Steel DTX Cantilever Bow Roller - 66840085
Will this work for a 30K claw on a 44 ft boat?
There's a few variables when it comes to installing a bow roller on a boat. Different boats have different bow designs. What may work on one type of 44 foot boat may not work on another. Recommend you size the bow roller up to your existing boat and see if it fits. There is a 30 day return policy if it doesn't fit.
Can't be installed or holes drilled before returning it.
Good Luck
Date published: 2023-11-14