Bernard Marine Regulation Placard - P-227
Bernard Marine Regulation Placard - P-227 Item # 862012
- Rules for Disposal of Garbage from Vessels
- Meets Federal Standards
- Federal Regulation:
- "The Discharge of Cooking Oils, Plastic, Incinerator Ashes or Garbage with Plastic into Any Waters is Prohibited"
- Federal Regulation:
- White Letters Engraved on Molded Black Plastic Plate with Adhesive Strips
- Mounting: Self Adhesive strips
- Actual dimensions 9-1/4" x 5-1/4 as required by law
The Federal Water Pollution Act prohibits discharges of harmful quantities of oil into U. S. navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. Further, the person in charge of a vessel or facility that discharges oil in violation of the Act is required to notify the Coast Guard's National Response Center at (800) 424 - 8802 as soon as he or she has knowledge of the spill. The penalty for illegal discharges is a civil penalty of up to $125,000 against the owner, operator, or person in charge of the source. Failure to notify the Coast Guard of a discharge is punishable by a criminal penalty of fines or up to 5 years imprisonment or both, against the person in charge of the source. The owner or operator of the source of a discharge is also liable for all removal costs, as well as claims of loss or injury by third parties